São Paulo, Brazil. Renova São Paulo Competition. 1st Prize. Ongoing
Authors: Raúl Alonso Estébanez & Interurbano
Water is a resource to take great care, even more in neighbourhoods like this, without water or sanitation network. Water means life, but in these conditions, may be disease or death. It’s nonsense to think about architecture before solving this situation.
Therefore, the study of water behaviour on the ground -watershed, runoff areas, permeability, etc- gave us our first clues to make decisions such as setting new squares and green areas as new urban hearts and lungs; or respecting what already exist due to citizens opinions, by the use of highly professional participation processes and methodologies; or creating 4-6 storage green, friendly and efficient buildings to get free space keeping citizens living there; or using natural phyto-depuration systems in its extremely polluted streams, -a system 10 times cheaper, beautiful and cleaner than current treatment plants; or defining a dense, green and social urban structure, using «acupuncture» actions in studied points, looking for a big positive change with few economic, environmental and social efforts, oriented to achieve green and soft slope paths on an urban structure created out of control and with up to 35% slopes, to give the city back to pedestrians and cyclists, real seeds of a rich and healthy urban life;